The Jim Laker Fund was set up in 1997 following Jim’s early death the previous year. He was the Managing Director of Exmoor Ales and inspiration behind WestFest, Wiveliscombe’s beer and music festival. Friends and business colleagues set up the fund in his memory to continue the tradition of support for local community organisations in need of help. Small grants, interest free loans and grants against loss are available from the fund, as well as practical support and advice. During the twenty two years of the JLF’s existence it has raised in excess of £60,000 for local causes.

All money raised by the JLF is put back into the community through application to the Jim Laker Fund. Forms are available on this website and hard copies are available at Wiveliscombe House.

Organisations which have benefitted from the Fund, many on a regular basis, include:

Brewfest; Busy Bees Pre-School Playgroup; Wiveliscombe Parish Map Group; Wiveliscombe Swimming Pool; Pulsford Lodge Comfort Fund; 2nd Wiveliscombe Brownies; 1st Wiveliscombe Scout Group; Ashbrittle Arts; Scallywags Toddler Group; Kingsmead Short Mat Bowls Club; Wiveliscombe Arts Consortium (Pub Plaque Trail); Wiveliscombe Community Centre; Wiveliscombe Caring For Children Appeal; Wiveliscombe Congregational Church; Wiveliscombe Woodcraft Folk; Upstage Productions; 1st Wiveliscombe Guides; Youth Matters; Rainbow Community Playgroup; Nynehead Under Fives Playgroup; Wiveliscombe Senior Section Guides; Wiveliscombe Out Of School Club; Wiveliscombe Live Music Assoc; Gardening Care; Reminiscence Learning; Wiveliscombe Parish Council; Milverton Football Club; Kingsmead Community School; Wiveliscombe Rugby Club; Fitzhead Cricket Club; Kids Summer Scheme; 10Radio; Wiveliscombe Tennis Club; Wiveliscombe Rec. Committee; St. Johns Ambulance; St. Andrews Church; Wiveliscombe Writers Group; 10 Parishes Festival; Wiveliscombe Town Hall Trust; Wam Dram; Wiveliscombe Community Responders; Studio 10; Four Seasons Playgroup; Wivey Link; Wiveliscombe Civic Society; Wiveliscombe Floral Art Club; Seigakan Karate England; ‘Bring me Sunshine’ bellringing group; High Park children’s orchestra; In the Mix youth project; Wiveliscombe Street Fair; Wiveliscombe 1st Responders; Wivey Cares; Wiveliscombe Primary School; Wiveliscombe Town Band; Wivey Rec; Clatworthy Parish Council; Townhall Trust; Dance More.



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